
IDMERIT Global Verification Solutions offers automated identity verification capabilities that enable businesses to verify the identities of their customers remotely. Using a combination of data sources, our services are designed to help organizations reduce the risk of fraud, comply with regulations, and make more informed decisions.

Global Coverage

With coverage across more than 175+ countries, and connections with more than 440+ data sources, IDMERIT ensures that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date. With IDMERIT, businesses can automate the KYC process, by integrating our seamless RESTful APIs into their existing systems and workflows, thus improving the customer onboarding process, and reducing the time and effort required to verify customer identities.

With IDMERIT, businesses can utilize our robust solution to verify identities through a comprehensive, end-to-end platform that enables businesses to perform identity checks on challenging countries like (but not limited to) France, India, Indonesia, Mexico, etc.

Seamless Integration

IDMkyc is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and workflows, allowing for easy deployment and interoperability. Whether you're looking to integrate our services into your web-applications, mobile app, or backend systems, we provide flexible integration options to suit your specific needs and requirements.

Our APIs provides granular level match-indicators, which enables businesses to create and manage rules that suits their risk appetite. Using these indicators, businesses has accessibility to use our APIs in their workflows, with minimal complexities.

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