Introduction to Developer Portal

IDMERIT has a dedicated Developer Portal which serves as a central hub for developers looking to integrate our Global Verification Solutions APIs into their applications or systems.

With Developer Portal, IDMERIT provides a friction-free KYC process where businesses can verify the identity of their customers and assess the potential risk associated.

  • Ease of use: The Developer Portal provides a self-register feature, through which one can easily sign-up on our Developer Portal, and get access to our global API lists.

  • Streamlined Integration: The Developer Portal provides developers with resources and tools they need to seamlessly integrate IDMERIT's identity verification and authentication services into their application, reducing integration time and effort.

  • Token Management: Through Developer Portal, IDMERIT provides separate username and password for Sandbox & Production Tiers. Using Developer Portal, developers can manage these credentials to effectively use them in their applications or systems.

  • Developer Support: Developers can access comprehensive list of APIs, and supported resources to assist them throughout the integration process. Technical support channels are also available to address any integration or API related issues or questions.

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