Understanding Type of Sources

IDMkyc solution provides quick and easy personal identity verification and seamless fraud detection. Utilizing an API (REST) it can access over 400+ official data sources across 175+ countries to provide digital Know Your Customers (KYC) solutions.

IDMERIT’s data experts have spent over a decade building strategic relationships with the world’s premium data repositories. These data sources provide enhanced data intelligence and allow IDMkyc to tap into a variety of trusted sources.

Type of Sources:

  • Government: These Sources are sourced directly from official government data sources and serve as the strongest form of KYC. These could relate to below sources:

    • Official Civil Register: A record of births, marriages, deaths, and other major events in citizens' lives

    • Official Citizenship Register: A database of the citizens of a country or a sub-national Region

    • Official Resident Register: An official residents registry

    • Official National ID: A database of official government identification documents

    • Official Postal Register: A Government Official postal department database

    • Official Department of Motor Vehicle: A database of Drivers License information of a country or a sub-national region

    • Official Voter Register: Official Government database that contains Voter Information

    • Official Tax Register: A government database that contains information from the tax department

    • Official Social Security: A government database with social security information

    • Official Census: A government database derived from data collected from a Census

    • Official National Phone Register: A government phone database

    • Official Public Register: A government database with official list of names, events and transactions

    • Official Property Tax: A government database derived from data collected from the Property Tax Register

  • Credit: Credit Sources collect official credit information and are governed by high standards of compliance.

    • Credit Bureau: A database from credit bureau

    • Consumer Credit: A database with official credit information

  • Telco: Telco contains all government and private telecommunication sources which includes Landline and Mobile databases.

  • Utility: Utility Sources such as water, gas, and internet companies provide data in the form of customer information.

  • Others: A strong secure official data source used for identify verification.

    • Official Bank Card: A database of bank customers

    • Consumer: A database with aggregated consumer information

    • Population Register: A database of a targeted population

    • Business Register: A database from a business register

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