
Official Resident Register

Source Availability: API + Batch

API Status: Published

Supported Attributes:


person's first-name



person's last-name



person's date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format



person's gender in "m" or "f"



address line 1 & address line 2 of the individual



address line 1 of the individual



address line 2 of the individual



a valid city, district or locality



a valid state or province or region



a valid zip or postal code



a unique client reference number


Minimum required combinations to perform a check against our HK1 source are:

  • first_name + last_name + state + request_id

Best Practices

Our Hong Kong Source 1 (#HK1) supports verification on Names, Address, Location tokens. In order to get the highest or best possible matches, IDMERIT suggests you to keep below factors in mind while sending the request data:

  • first_name & last_name:

    • IDMERIT suggests to kindly provide valid first names & last names while sending requests. A typical Hong Kong name is arranged as follows: [FAMILYNAME] [givenname] (eg. WONG [FAMILYNAME] Chang [givenname].

    • IDMERIT in their data study observed that many individuals change the arrangement of their given name and family name to suit Western naming conventions. (eg. WONG Chang may be written as Chang [personname] WONG [FAMILYNAME]).

    • Many individuals choose or keeps English names. Such type of name is used as first name. (eg. WONG Chang may be known as Conner WONG or Conner WONG Chang or Conner Chang WONG).

    • IDMERIT observed that the most common naming format for a Westernized Hong Kong is [englishname] [FAMILYNAME] [givenname].

    • Since data at source is in transliterated form, IDMERIT suggests to send names as per Westernized format, i.e, [firstname]/[englishname] [FAMILYNAME].

    • Considering the complexity of Hong Kong names, IDMERIT has worked with its source to develop a customized name-matching technique, which also works when name-formats are kept in a traditional Hong Kong format. (though this naming format is not recommended).

  • address, address1, address2:

    • Hong Kong addresses are mainly categorized in 3 major categories:

      • Building Name: This part consists of:

        • Flat Number: Many addresses might not have this component (like in case of rural addresses, or row houses). (eg. Flat 1A)

        • Block Number: This is a block number of building, and it might or might not be present in addresses. (eg. Block 6/F)

        • Floor Number: It is the floor on which the flat is located. Again, this information is not always present in addresses. (eg. Floor 2)

        • Building Name: These are building names or primary building information. These are always available in address structure, and IDMERIT highly recommends that these are submitted. (eg. Siu Yat Building)

      • Building Number: these are used to denote the houses/buildings in each street, and they are mostly numeric in nature.

      • Street Name: Hong Kong Street names majorly ends with common thoroughfare types like Road/Street/Avenue. The cardinal directions (if present) are generally appended after the street name. (eg. Sai Kung Hoi Pong Square)

  • state:

    • Hong Kong states or regions are:

      • Hong Kong

      • Kowloon

      • New Territories

Last updated