HTTP Response Codes

IDMERIT returns a standardized status codes in responses to client's requests made to our API endpoints. These codes convey important information about the outcome of the request, indicating whether it was a successful, encountered an error, or requires further action from the client.

Success Codes


200 - OK

The request was successful and expected data or resource is returned. If you're getting any unexpected results, please check any messages that've been returned in the response. If you believe there may be problem, please raise a ticket with our Support Team by following this link.

Error Codes


400 - Bad Request

The request could not be understood by the server. Please ensure that the request is in the appropriate format and all the necessary headers have been included.

401 - Unauthorized

The request is legal, but authorization token is not valid or is expired. Please make sure you use the valid token while submitting payload request.

403 - Forbidden

The request was valid, but the requestor does not have the permission to access the requested resource. Please ensure that you're using the correct username and submitted access token is still valid. If your access token has expired, you may need to reauthenticate your credentials to get a new token.

405 - Method Not Allowed

Request call was made using an incorrect request method. Please make sure you use a valid method while calling API.

429 - Too Many Requests

There are too many requests being sent to the server in a given amount of time. We use rate- limiting methods to minimize DDoS attacks. We would request you to kindly re-submit the request. If you're still facing the error, please follow this link to raise a ticket at our Support Team.

500 - Internal Server Error

There was a back-end error when processing the request. Please ensure your request is in the correct format and retry. If you receive this error again, please raise a ticket with our Support Team by following this link.

502 - Bad Gateway

The server was unable to handle your request. This is a temporary error, and we will request you to try again after some time. If you continue to face this error, please raise the ticket by following this link.

503 - Service Unavailable

The server is currently unable to handle the request due to temporary overloading or maintenance at our data partnerโ€™s end. We would request you to try again after some time. If you are still facing this error, please raise a ticket with our Support Team at

504 - Gateway Timeout Error

The connection to server is failed or server is taking high time to respond. We would suggest you to try again after some time. In case you continue to face this error, please reach out to our Support Team at

Handling HTTP Response Codes in API Clients

API clients should be designed to handle different HTTP response codes gracefully to provide a smooth and experience and to handle errors effectively. Below are some of the best practices for handling response codes:

  • Check Response Status: Always check the HTTP status code returned by the server to determine the outcome of the request.

  • Handling Errors: Implement error handling logic to handle common client and server errors gracefully.

  • Retry Mechanism: Implement retry mechanisms for transient errors, such as server timeouts or temporary network issues, to improve the reliability of the API calls.

Reach out to our Support Team at for any assistance or for any further inquires.

Last updated