API Reference

An overview of our APIs and their structure.

Our API provides access to more than 175+ countries, and is designed to facilitate various operations related to customer identity verification and application processing. Our APIs provides granular level match-indicators, which enables businesses to create and manage rules that suits their risk appetite. Using these indicators, businesses has accessibility to use our APIs in their workflows, with minimal complexities.

Request Headers

In order to use our APIs, it is important that the valid headers are used for secure and effective communication between the client and server. Below details the specific headers required and secure API interactions.

  1. Accept: This header is used in the request header to indicate to the server what content types are acceptable for the response. For the this is typically set to "text/html; charset=UTF-8".

  2. Authorization: This header is crucial for APIs that require authentication. The Authorization header is used to pass the bearer token which is a form of security token. The format generally is Bearer <access_token>, where <access_token> is a placeholder for the actual token the server provides upon authentication. This token is used by the server to verify that the request is coming from an authenticated and authorized source.

Request Paths

  1. Authentication [POST BasePath/token]: Acquire an access token for API authentication.

  2. IDMkyc APIs : IDMkyc has a single API base-path, through which different APIs can be accessed. The API endpoint is build as per below:

Postman Collection

Please refer to the below IDMkyc Global Verification Solution Postman Collection.


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