Troubleshooting Guide

Problem Creating an Account – Invalid tenant domain

IDMkyc Developer Portal only accepts a unique username during the registration process. As of now, our Developer Portal does not support email addresses as usernames. If you are facing the below error, we request that you kindly use an alphanumeric username to register.

IDMERIT recommends users follow <Company Name>_<Tier> format while selecting a username. For instance, if the company name is “Demo LLC” then their username for Sandbox Account would be “demollc_sandbox” and “demollc_production” for Production Account.

If you’re still facing error, please contact us at

Problem Logging in – Login Failed!

For security reasons, the IDMkyc Developer Portal does not allow login via email address. If you receive the following error, please try again with a valid username used during the registration process. If you’re still facing the error, raise a ticket on the support portal by following this link

Problem Resetting the Password – Server failed to respond.

IDMkyc Developer Portal provides password reset functionality. To reset/recover the password, click on “Forgot Password”. Select the “Recover with Mail” radio button and enter the valid username.

If you’re facing above the error while resetting the password, we would recommend that you kindly input a valid username used during the registration process. If you’re still facing issues while recovering the password, please follow this link to reach out to us.

Generate an in-definite validity token

IDMkyc provides the user with the option to generate a non-expiry token. By using this option, users can create a one-time, non-expiry token that can be used to access the application. Due to security reasons, IDMERIT does not recommend users to use a non-expiry token.

However, if the user still wants to go ahead, please follow the below steps to generate a non-expiry token:

  1. Login using your username-password

  2. Select “Application” tab

  1. Go to Sandbox Keys or Production Keys, and click on "Generate Access Token"

  1. Enter the desired validity period. By default, the validity period is set to 3600 seconds. Click on “Generate” to generate a token.

  1. A non-expiry token will be generated as below. User can copy and use the token to access the desired APIs.

Issues while subscribing to Production Tier

If you’re registered on our IDMkyc Developer Portal and are having problems subscribing to “Production Tier”, or are seeing the above screen, please refer to the below steps:

  1. Login to Developer Portal and go to the desired API you want to subscribe

  2. Please go to subscription page, and check your current “Subscription Status”. If you’re seeing “Sandbox Free” as Throttling Tier or “Production” as Throttling Tier and Application Status as “ON_HOLD”, please click on “Unsubscribe” button.

  1. After you’ve successfully unsubscribed, please select Throttling Policy as “Production” and click on Subscribe. This will trigger an email to the IDMERIT Support Team for API Approval, and your Subscription status will change to “ON_HOLD”.

    Upon approval from the IDMERIT Support Team, an email with confirmation will be received on your registered email id. If you’re still having problems with subscribing to the Production Tier, please raise a ticket at

Last updated